BỘ ĐỀ DỰ ĐOÁN SPEAKING PART 1 - THÁNG 9-12/2019 - Luyện Thi IELTS Miễn Phí


(Reading time: 35 - 70 minutes)

Part 1 có 14 chủ đề mới so với đề của quý trước. Thông thường giám khảo sẽ giữ lại khoảng 50% và cập nhật mới 50%.


Do you work or are you a student?

(dành cho các bạn học sinh/sinh viên)

(dành cho các bạn đi làm)

(Dành cho các bạn học sinh) What is your favourite subject?

(Dành cho các bạn học sinh) Are there any subjects that you don't like?

(Dành cho các bạn học sinh) What do you want to do in the future?

(Dành cho các bạn học sinh) Who do you prefer, your high school friends or your teachers?

(Dành cho các bạn sinh viên) Why did you choose that college course/major?

(Dành cho các bạn sinh viên) What your course is about?

(Dành cho các bạn sinh viên) What do you like about your course? / Do you like your course?

(Dành cho các bạn sinh viên) What do you dislike about your course?

(Dành cho các bạn học sinh/ sinh viên) Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?

(Dành cho các bạn học sinh/ sinh viên) Do you prefer to study alone or study in a group?

(Dành cho các bạn sinh viên) Are you looking forward to working? (Why?/ Why not?)

(Dành cho các bạn sinh viên) Where do you want to see yourself in 10 years?

(Dành cho các bạn đi làm) Why did you choose that job?

(Dành cho các bạn đi làm) Do you think it is a good place to work? / Do you like your job? / What do you dislike about your job? (Nội dung trả lời các câu hỏi này sẽ tương tự nhau)

(Dành cho các bạn đi làm) Do you think that job made you change?

(Dành cho các bạn đi làm) Would you like to change your job in the future?

(Dành cho các bạn đi làm) Do you prefer working alone or with others? Why?

(Dành cho các bạn đi làm) How many hours do you work every day/ every week?

(Dành cho các bạn đi làm) What do you do to increase productivity at work?

(Dành cho các bạn đi làm) Where do you want to see yourself in 10 years?

(Dành cho các bạn đi làm) Do you miss being a student?

(Dành cho các bạn đi làm) What do you do after work?



Have you lived in your current living area for a long time?

Do you like the area that you are living in?

What do you like about your current living area?

What would you like to change about your area?

What are some changes in your area recently?

Do you know any famous people in your area?

Where do you like to go in that area?



Who do you live with?

What kind of accommodation you are living in? / Do you live in a house or a flat?

What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you lived in the past?

Can you describe the accommodation you are living in

What room does your family spend most of the time in?

What do you usually do in your room?

Do you plan to live there for a long time?

Are the transport facilities to your home very good?

Please describe your room.

Do you prefer to live in a house or an apartment/ a flat?

What part of your home do you like the most?


4. Bags (new)

Do you often use bags?

What kinds of bags do you like?

Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?

Do you have different bags for different occasions?


5. Cities & Countryside (new)

What are advantages and disadvantages of living in an urban area?

Do you like the city where you are living now?

Do you prefer the city or the countryside?

What kind of cities do you like?

Do you spend much time in countryside?

Do you consider living in the countryside in the future?


6. Wild Animals (new)

Have you ever seen a wild animal in real life?

Do you prefer to see them in zoos or in real life?

What wild animal do you like the most? Why?

Why do you think we should protect wild animals?


6. PATIENCE (old)

Are you a patient person?

Were you patient when you were young? / Do you think you are more patient than how you used to be?

How do you feel when others are not patient?

Were you less or more patient when you were angry?

Is patience important at work?


7. PERFUME (old)

Do you use perfume?

Do you spend a lot of money on perfume?

What kind of perfume do you like?

What does perfume mean to you?

Do you give perfume as a gift?


8. STREET FOOD (new)

Is there a lot of street food in Vietnam?

What do you think are the must-eat dishes in Vietnam?

Is it safe for foreigners to eat street food in Vietnam?

Which one do you prefer, eating at restaurants or at street food stalls?


9. Jogging (new)

Do you often go jogging?

Are there a lot of people going jogging in Vietnam?

Are there any places suitable for jogging in your living area?

Do you think that you went jogging more often when you were a kid than you do now?


10. SMILE (old)

Do you like to smile?

When do people smile at others?

Do you smile when people take pictures of you?

Can you recognise a fake smile?

Is smiling important?

What was the last time you saw other people smiled the most?


11. MATHS (old)

Do you think mathematics is important?

Do you think it’s difficult to learn mathematics well?

Are girls generally good at mathematics?

Do you often use a calculator?



How many languages can you speak?

When did you learn English?

Do you find it difficult to learn a new language?

Are there any other languages that you would like to learn?

Why do people want to learn new languages?

What are the benefits of being able to use more than one language?


13. Tea and coffee (old)

Do Vietnamese people like to drink tea or coffee?

Do you prepare tea or coffee for guests at home?

When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?



Where did you play when you were a child?

How often did you go to your friends' houses to play games?

What kinds of game do Vietnamese children usually play?

What are the differences between children playing games at present and in the past?


15. WATCHING TV (new)

How often do you watch TV?

Do you usually watch TV with your family?

What kinds of TV shows do you like to watch?

What TV shows are popular in Vietnam?


16. Makeup (new)

Do you often wear makeup?

What does wearing makeup mean to you?

Do you give makeup as a gift?

What do you think when you see a man wearing makeup?


17. Hair style (new)

How long have you had this hair style?

Do you like to visit the barber's/ hair salon?

Have you ever had a hair cut that you don't like?


18. Eating (new)

How often do you eat with your family?

Do you like eating healthy food?

Do you eat out a lot?

Do you prefer to eat at home or at a restaurant? / Do you prefer home-cooked food or food from restaurants?


19. Music (old)

When do you listen to music?

How much time do you spend listening to music everyday?

What kinds of music do you like to listen to? / What are your favourite kinds of music?

Have you ever been to a music concert before?

Does you taste of music change from the past?


20. Friends (new)

What makes a good friend?

Do you think you are a good friend?

Do you still contact your childhood friends?

Do you have many close friends?

Do you think friendship is important?

Which do you prefer to spend time with: a friend or spend time alone?

What kind of people do you like to have as friends?

Do you like face-to-face conversations with people?

Are most of your friends from school or from outside school?

How often do you meet with your friends?

What do you and your friends do together?


21. JEANS (new)

Do you wear jeans? / How often do you wear jeans?

Do you like wearing jeans, why?

Do you spend much money on jeans?

Why do you think jeans are popular?

Do you think jeans are still popular in the future?


22. Holiday (new)

Do you want to have a short journey or a long journey?

Where do you want to go on holiday? Beach-side, mountains or city?


23. Shopping (new)

Do you like going shopping?

Do you shop online?

Does shopping take you a lot of time?

What's the best part about shopping?


24. Island (new)

Have you ever been to an island?

Are there any islands in your country?

Do you want to live on an island if you had a chance?

What do you like to do when you are on an island?


25. Borrowing/lending (old)

Have you ever borrowed books from others?

Have you ever borrowed money from others?

Do you like lending things to others?

How do you feel when people don’t return things they borrowed from you?



Do you prefer to study in a silent environment or in a place that has some noises?

Does your job require concentrating and attention to detail?

What do you do if there’s too much noise and you want to study?

When do you find it easiest to concentrate?

Do you think people can do two things at the same time?

What affects your ability to concentrate?


27. Tiredness (new)

What things make you tired?

What do you do when you feel tired?

Who do you prefer talking to when you feel mentally tired, your friends of your family?

Do you want to talk to strangers when you feel mentally tired?


28. Sun/ Sunny days (new)

Do you like sunshine? / Do you like sunny days?

What do you like to do on a sunny day?

Would you like to stay at home or go outside when the weather is great?

Have you ever used sunscreen?

Are there any technologies with sun nowadays? For example?

Are there many sunny days in your hometown?


29. Market (old)

What do street markets sell ?

Are there many street markets in Vietnam?

What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?

Do you often go to the supermarket?


30. Visit relatives (old)

Do you often visit your relatives?

What do you do when visiting relatives?

When was the last time you visited a relative?

Why do people visit their relatives?


31. Social network (old)

How often do you use social networking applications?

Why do you use social networking apps?

What are the disadvantages of social networking apps?

Do you think it is good to make friends online?

Are you going to change the amount of time spending on social networking apps in the future?


32. Time Management/ Plan (old)

Do you make plans every day?

Are you good at managing your time?

What is the latest plan you made?

What is the hardest part of making plans?


33. Garbage (old)

Why do some people throw garbage on the street?

What do you do with garbage when you are on the street?

How do you feel when you see people throwing garbage on the street?

Do you think your city is clean or not?

Is there a lot of garbage on the streets in your living area?

Do you categorise garbage?

Do you participate in any environmental protection activities?

Do you use recycled items?


34. Weather (old)

Do you prefer dry or wet weather?

What kind of weather do you like the most?

What’s your favourite season?

What kind of weather is typical in your hometown? / Do you think that the weather pattern where you are living has changed recently?

Can weather affect your moods?

Do you like living in a place which has different kinds of weather?


35. Travel (old)

Do you like travelling?

Which cities have you travelled to?

What kind of cities do you like to travel to?

What is the place that left you the deepest impression when travelling?

What are the disadvantages of travelling?

Do you like jobs that require a lot travelling?

Should we travel to unusual places?


36. Transportation (old)

What’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?

Can you compare the advantage of planes and trains?

How often do you take buses?

Is driving to work popular in your country?

Would you ride bikes to work in the future?

Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?

Do you think people will drive more in the future? / What will become the most popular means of transportation in your country?


37. Trust (new)

Who do trust most?

Have you ever lost trust in someone?

What kind of people do you trust?

Do you trust artificial intelligence?


38. Voice (new)

Is your voice different from when you were young?

Is your voice similar to that of a family member?

Do you like listening to your recordings?

When does your voice change?



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